Monday, December 17, 2007

No Sodomy

another day at the ol hilton it is ladies and gentlemen, only this time twice as dull, and three times as boring. i get to cook up some bad ass fajitas tonite so that will kick ass considering the fact that i;m hungry as an ethiopian just got a few minutes to get my blog as well, so i guess the only thing worth while to say today is: I appreciate people, Tommy has been the coolest person that i have met since living in savannah, then there's my wifey, she has been there through the thick and thin of it all. She's the one that i know has my back in no matter what the hell may be going down. I have to give some props to my retainer gene martinez, that nigga there has given me something that you can't buy or even search for. The very best things in life i have learned from those around me. The saddest things about life have to be the losses, the loss of a time is the worst of all losses, but there are those i've lost in prison and have seen drugged and burnt onlife itself, just living for the sake of high they will chase to their very end. Be excellent to all those around you that you feel are actually worth your time and trouble. i've never had to cut ties without proper justification, and i'm always willing to drop a quick line to whoever whenever. Ya'll be cool out there, shouldn't be too hard considering the weather. -nikia jones

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