Saturday, January 29, 2011


Well gang its that time again. time to fill yall in on whats going down here in the deep and dirty south. mostly it has been way to cold this winter. coldest i can remember in some time. coming up in just a couple weeks ill have yet another birthday. 26 years of age ill be then. not old yet but getting there. in my time here in the great state of georgia many great and terrible things have happened. i think when i was 19 was the best year. or at least the most action packed. i went to college the first time, got away from the moms for the first time, was on my own for the first time. it was pretty crazy. id have to say 23 was the worst. not that any of them were really bad but 23 i remember the least about. probably because nothing really exciting happened. well i did have 6 jobs that year, but not because thats what i wanted. and come tax time it really sucked. moving forward things are on the up and up though. back in the schooling, doing my accounting thing. anytime you want to discuss the merits of the LIFO and FIFO inventory accounting systems just let me know. itll be an invigorating discussion. got some ribs, or maybe some steaks, planned for the big day. and dont yall forget tommy week starts next weekend on the 6th, so get your tommy shirts and tommy flags and let the spirit out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ThunderCat HOES!!!!!!

What up gang. I must apologize for my absence, however as we all know, sometimes shit gets real. Anyhow i was driving down the road the other day and i was thinking about how much i like the thundercats, and how they say thundercats HO!!!! and then i thought what about an escort service called thundercat hoes!!!!!! First would be Cougra, an older yet still sexy escort looking for the youngsters. Then there would be Cheetara, a hottie who looks just like Cheetara from the original thundercats. Next would be The Siamese and the Gato, an asian chick in a cat suit and a latin chick in a cat suit, respectively. My Escort service would be more popular than the playboy mansion. and that is pretty popular. there are surely more clever names that i could have come up with however i was almost home when i thought of it yesterday and now its almost time to get off work. if you have suggestions for names and maybe some examples of what youd like to see at my service. but its time to blow this pop stand so as always be easy on the peasy and ill try to to be such a stranger anymore.

ps. the stranger is the leading cause of carpal tunnel.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A rose by any other name

Ok, ladies and gents, first i apologize in the lapse here at scrappys as sometimes we all catch a case of the "fuck its". Even when it comes to our blog of choice chock full of the flavor you can savor. Having said that, lets just jump right in the foreign waters of todays blog of choice. Names, namely my first name. In the days of recess and pogs, fucking with my name got you slap punched, and sometimes (due to those who would tell on you in a heartbeat) a joke to do with the opposing persons name would usually do the trick as well. Now having said that, let us analyze and interpret said name. Jesus, not the guy from the "good book" but [hay-zues]. Now the reason that this shit is so goddamn funny is that the unexposed breed of uncultured people in the world today automatically start yelling "that's blasphemy" and "who would name there child after our lord?" Now thats usually the classic response almost each time someone "uncultured" encounters my name. Then there's the brothas and sistas, we always try to have fun with the shit, one time in particular wasnt so funny, as i sit in a doctors waiting room, i see him come to the door, squint, look at the room full of people, squint again, and shout "Jesus" (and no not the above pronunciation either) I stand and slowly approach the doc, and the loudest most ghetto ass black lady imaginable simply stands and asks (out loud at the top of her lungs mind you) "boy what you doing walking around looking like that being named Jesus ?!?!" (at the time i was about 220 lbs. and had long ass hair), but all the same the embarrassment soon ensued and there was nothing left to do but simply inform her that I myself had not chosen such an awesome name the day i was born, rather it was just given to me before my real dad checked out of our lives for good. All in all its usually just damn funny when the name comes about, there's even some cool ass nicknames that I've acquired over the years. But thats all i got for ya's today killas. Yall hold it down and keep ya towels folded.