Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Here we are once again, and today i will be blogging it on up with a vegence! First let us analyze the word thugnificent. IF you show love to your homies, at any given moment, and at all special occasions, you thugnificent. If you down to ride or die with ya homies no matter what, they drunk, you drink, ya both drunk, and ya got 7 years or worse in the trunk, then you as well are thugnificent. If you can make your favorite food taste the same even when you lack the required ingredients, you are thugnificent. If you fry your eggs with butter instead of shortening or oil, you are most definetly thugnificent. Thugnificense is a path as well as a state of mind, if your walks take through the places where you know your homies are on chill, you are well on your way to thugnificense. If you cook way too much when you do preprare a meal, your have left the deepest of footprints upon the path of thugnificense. If you hate wasting food, eating at a walmart, shopping at a walmart, if you wait in the car and endulge in vegetating in the parking lot instead of actually going the hell into the walmart, then you probably sweat thugnificense. Now, don't get it wrong, we can't all be as thugnificent as we want, some of us are just able to tap into the very gangsta glands we are blessed with, others just forfeit these special abilities and never give into the urge to waste a sinlge second of there precious pimp playing time, these type of people would rather taste the kool aid then go and sip the wine. Right along with this is hater blocking, if you can truly stop a hater dead in his tracks without hesitation and make them acknowledge the fact that theys a goddamn hater, well then my freind you will be featured in this month issue of thugnificense-n-detail. So ya'll be easy out there, if you a hater and you know it, eat a dick mother fucker!!!!!!!!! If you ain't well then just make it do what it do!!!!!


Anonymous said...


tommy said...

i think the thugs mansion might count as thugnificent