Monday, February 11, 2008


Yes indeedy do campers i made that word up. I was getting sick of the word survival and i think survivation is a good substitute. And the process of survivation is exactly what i went through this weekend for Tommy Day. It was probably the best holiday i can think of. first i was born on tommy day and second it is a great drinking holiday that brings together all my friends in excellent debauchery. we had beer and the relaxing stuff. also a tree house and a zip line, and a fire. if i must say so myself i think everyone had fun. even big ray was swinging his big fat ass down the tree, and not to mention over the fire. luckily no major injuries and even better no cops. the day started out innocently enough. i awoke at 6 am(i cant sleep in anymore so i just quietly fart around till anna gets up) and we chilled out. we took the buick to get a nice car wash, lord knows i love me some relaxing in the car wash. then it was off to meet moms for lunch. we had barbara jeans. i surely recommend it to all who encounter it. not a whole lot of selection but everything is good, from the pork chops to the chicken fried steak, to the chicken fried chicken, mmmm mmmm good. i also got an ice cream cake from my mom. luckily this year she didnt make the waiters sing to me. thanks god. however when we get there the first thing we see mom doing is annoying the shit out of the waiters at the serving station. i mean cant she just wait till they come back by to ask them or something. oh well anyhow we were chilling with mom and shooting the shit she gave me my b-day gift. it was more money for my playstation 3. which i am happy to say will be making its debut at the house on wednesday. thats right its really going to happen. after we ate my mom once again pointed out that my tire needs air and i need to hurry and take my car to the shop to get it look at. then we are off. we stopped by the store to pick up some brews and headed over to my best pal brannons house. once there we proceeded to drink some beers for a while. then we decided to go to sakuras to drink some happy hour sake. always in good taste. while there we saw one of my friends and she got me a bottle of sake for my birthday. i cant wait to try it today after i wake up. after plenty of sake and a big bowl of soup it was off to brannons again. when we get there this time we are drunker and there is still no one there. so we keep drinking and meanwhile zach is putting the finishing touches on the zipline, we keep getting drunk. at some point anna got too drunk and had to go home, then it got dark. then later on after things kinda got hazy miguel and darcy show up. we had some more drinks and we relaxed some. good times. brannon kept trying to get miguel to do the zip line but he being a smart man didnt. after a bit longer it was down to the three amigoes. me and zach and brannon, and we were hungry so it was time for a krystals trip. i got two chili cheese fries for my self and of course krystal burgers. all in all yet another excellent tommy day. maybe next year we will do more planning. but i doubt it.

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