Saturday, March 22, 2008

Get cha Gangsta On........

Well, hell ladies and gents. It's about that time once again. You may be inquiring as to what the hell i am talking about, but thats for me to know and you to find out. Today has been a total pain with these guys in turbans, earlier i saw them all in the lobby with the head wrapping and there cargo shorts and air shock nike's, it looked like the Al qada started there very own NBA!!!! A little later they all come back and it was like the aladdin fan club broke into the hilton, and now my good ol pals, they're getting into the liquor!!!! I can't wait to this one go down. I mean they got it all, pointy shoes, long froc looking ass shirts, and all of it shiny as aluminum foil. I wanted to asl one of these fuckers if i could maybe buy one of the turbans from the guys in his party, but they were all giving me the stink eye for what ever reason. (HOLY SHIT) Right then where i put the holy shit in parenthasese another one of those shit bags walked by and gave me the fuckin stink eye AGAIN!!!!!!!! These poor motherfuckers, one day i hope that the fashion police invade and make all there women wear flannel forever. I still am a big fan of the turbans though. I'd hide my tarantula in it and take it off to torment all those who hide in fear of the arachnids!!!! People who scare easily are the funnest to fuck with man i'm telling ya!!!! It makes me wonder what these dudes may be afraid of!!! I'll check ya'll lata, as the gun man would say "be easy on the peasy" Nikia Jone$ signing off.

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