Thursday, April 10, 2008

Watch your step kid, protect ya neck!!!!

Lets get right to it ya'll, if as of this moment you don't listen to the Wu Tang Clan you gotta get on that shit a.s.a.p. Them niggas is the schizz-nizzle-bam-dizzle! I have heard all sorts of tracks that the shaolin Wu-Tang Clan members have instilled into my ear hole, but the later old skool shit is the bomb-diggity!!!! The song Winter War(z) is by far one of the best i have heard so far. If you're a classic Tupac fan, stick to the internet because un loyal types are copping bread of the man after his death like copyright infringement don't exsist. I have always rolled deep with the Afroman though, his shit is the shit! I;m way partial to the Warren-G, and Nate Dogg, now Pastor Troy, that's another brother that can make you shudder. Music is the bomb man, i'd take my tunes over t.v. anyday of the week. (That's no joke ya'll) The harder music holds me at the old skool Slipknot, and Korn. Man Limp Bizkit too, I dig that old skool limp bizkit like a mother fucker, everyone should own significant other, that's an album you put on and justlet it play. If you've never heard of Fireball Ministry, they kick ass, mushroom head too, then there's Rob Zombie, fuckin hell, that mother fucker can wail. You gotta cop some of that Zombie, now if you like it old skool too, you gotta search out White Zombie, where it all began. The end of tonight's blog is afoot. Ya'll stay on the up and up and be excellent to each other, that's the only wat to survive the man as a whole people working as a central unit, they know our time is coming, and they're afraid. Nikia out like parachute pants. (PEACE)

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