Monday, August 11, 2008

A most heinous act

Well folks the unexpected happened and my compadre mr jones was turned back from the sheraton just as he turned his back on the hilton. i would give yall the details but things on my end are a bit hazy. from what i understand miguel came in and was doing just fine then the gm amanda saw him and flipped her shit. but if i know anything mr jones will be back on his feet in no time probably making more money than before. and when that time comes i can only hope for a blog on this most heinous of ordeals. this is worse than the custody battle over anna nicole smiths money, or whether or not to put an asterisk on barry bonds record breaking homerun, or the unspeakable acts done to toby the rabbit. even more undeniably horrible as nails on a chalk board or the sound of your teeth breaking.(that last one is very bad and it is permanently embedded in my head,. very unpleasant if youve never had the pleasure of hearing it) but other than that short little update on our lives down here in the dirty i havent got much to tell yall. there will be some pictures of toby the dog on here as soon as i figure out how to get them from camera to computer. stupid technology.

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