Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Chewbacca Noise

Everyone knows about the chewbacca noise. many of you know about the chewbacca defense. but what i am here to talk about today are things which look and/ or act like the chewbacca. and if you are lucky there just might be a chewbacca-type parade at the end. first off lets just talk about chewbacca, the 8 ft tall hairy guy from star wars. i think he is pretty sweet and i like his noise. if i had to guess at its spelling it would be something like this. Meeeeaahhhhhhh. thats just me though. also i like his ring of bullets or grenades that he wears all the time. but have you ever noticed that he doesnt use them? maybe he does i dont really watch alot of the star wars. now for some of his cousins. first there are the yetis and the bigfoots out there. they look very similar to the chewbacca besides of course that the yetis are white. and i know what you are saying that yeti and bigfoots are a myth but who ever said that chewbacca was real. not me. after your yetis and bigfoots there are the cavemen on those dumbass geico commercials. they are very hairy and have the big face bones. plus i bet they stink under all the makeup and stuff. now i am slowing down and the ideas arent coming so fast so it is now time for the parade for chewbacca and his chewbacca-type friends. enjoy. well it started out good but then i couldnt find many mammoth people to put on so it got to be just fat dudes but i still think this was a success. i mean i funny is chewbacca throwing the baseball? really fucking funny

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