Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pabst Blue Ribbon Pushups Pops

So gang here we are again and the blog is going full steam. Last nite i had an odd dream and id like to share it with you all. so i am on a vacation somewhere with my hombre brannon and his brother joseph and we are walking around to all the close places to find some beers. so we walk in to the first place and we go to where the beers should be but there is nothing but cokes and gatorades and the like. so we are like fuck this and we leave. we go down the street a bit further and into the next gas station. this one doenst even have a refrigerator unit in it at all. so we are all what the shit is going on? we are starting to think that we could be in a dry county or something but we are not to be deterred from our mission of getting shitty. so we march on to the next place. we walk in and it kinda looks like the inside of a baskin and robbins. and in the glasses cases where there would normally be ice cream it is full of beer cans and daiquiri slush and all like that. as we are perusing the choices i stop at one and i cant believe it. i even remember feeling surprised while i was sleeping. it was pabst blue ribbon push up pops and they had the label and everything. now obviously when you think about soberly and awake you realize that frozen beer in a push pop just might make you vomit but in a dream it was magnificent. i didnt get to try one as i woke up all excited and woke up the lady and told her. she thought it was funny but was disappointed that i woke her up just for that. but the important thing is that i dreamed and if i can dream it and then wake up and know that it was a bad idea then you can do the same thing. tonite when you go to bed dream of something ridiculous that way when you wake up you will feel more grounded. that sounds kinda stupid but i am getting to the end of the night and things are started to go down so i am having to pause in between words and that makes me lose my train of thought. but it would have sounded good. so until next time cheers to you and i am going to find my pabst blue ribbon push pop.

1 comment:


hey here!
well first, thanks for the comment on my. blog.
n second, i thought id return the favor reading one of yours n saying that beer is the most amazing drink ever created, too bad i cant drink anymore o.o...