Sunday, October 26, 2008

The ho ass popo

Last night ladies and ladies men, i just so happen to be departing from my good ol pals pete's and i got pulled the fuck over by the sogin around the middle shittin ass copppers. These motherfuckers was trying to sink ya boy any way that they could. First, it was my seatbelt, then my address, then my wife, then it was the dates on my id and registration. The cock stain asks me about the night and how i'm feelin and why i'm out at 2am and if you know bout the fuzz, they keep you talking and try to ocuppy your mind so you can't cover your own ass be a lie or night. It was about this point when he fired up the question routine that i told him straight up that i was a half mexican motherfucker he caught up with at 2 in the moring hoopty ridin with his old lady and that whatever he say that i'm guilty of i was until it came time to the court room and they pull the cameras and check my info and its all good in and under the hood and he was left sittin there kinda stupid lookin so could i have my license back and go the fuck home so i can smoke one and chill out watching season 5 of the aqua teen hunger force. That didnt really work i am sad to say so he ran my girl's license and then my tags, and then kept asking and asking all this lame ass bullshit about nothing and then that cockgobblin dropped my shit on the ground and acted like i was supposed to get out and get it for his overweight ass. Just another ass head who soggy around the middle and got nothing better to do than fuck with a nigga at drop of a hat. (my bad ya'll i sorta hate the motha fuckin man) Its easier to laugh at the shitasses if it you don't end up like one when its all said and done.

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