Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Canoe trips and busted ankles

Whats up gang. not a whole lot has been going on lately hence the lack of typity typing. but i do have a couple of good things to tell you fine folks about. maybe a week ago my good friend B.H. got an 18 foot canoe. so we strapped it to the top of the buick and headed off to the creek to do a little rowing and let toby the dog have a good old time. and we did just that. we got in the water and did some swimming had some beers and run around on the mud banks. next time i plan to take myself a bucket and load up on some oysters. oysters sure are tasty. since then good old B.H. got into a fight in a bar and now has a busted nose and two black eyes. but as they say you shoulda seen the other guy. also i related news my good pal cracka lackin got put in the slammer although he doesnt remember why, so today we await the police report for all the good details. also the other day i managed to miss a couple of steps at my house as i was headed down to the sidewalk and i severely shredded my ankle. it is coming along well now that it doesnt look like i am walking on a grapefruit. although standing at work all day surely doesnt help. i suppose that is all for now but as you will see soon are have already seen i am going to attempt a papa smurf paint picture so keep watching and reading and you wont befall the same fate as those oh so awful non readers.

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