Monday, September 29, 2008

The Bullshit

Alright then, you guys gotta know bout some bullshit in someway or another, so tonight i have decided to put some bulls shit in a not so organized list that burns me up or in just general is some bullshit all the way around.

-Fur trappers
-Plastic cleats
-Internet blocks
-Colored toilet paper
-Toe Jam
-Knee socks
-Navy Blue Socks
-Hoes -Fake Piercings
-Leaky Pens
-Parking meters
- Meter maids
-Bad plumbing
-Peanut butter-no jelly
-Shock treatment
-ask jeeves
-crocs (yeah those plastic ass wannabe shoes)
-replica guns
-the jews
-midget porn
-crunchy peanbutter
-synthetic chocolate
-that guy from the snickers commercial(great oogly moogly)-i mean come on no one eats a candy bar so slow that they get stuck in place even if the chic on the bill board is hot enough to stare till your eyes bleed.
-rusty nails
-pink shirts (on dudes)
-the price of a bentley
-particle accelerators
-the energizer bunny
-purple peeps
-P diddys rappin
-hollow trees
-hot steering wheel
-rayon boxers (makes your pubes staticy)
-bubble gum toothpaste
-cake flavored ANYTHING (i mean just eat some fuckin cake) -blown speakers
-masking tape (what the hell does it mask, its white tape mane)
-sour milk
-guys with rattails
-honey comb
-yellow jackets
-kidney stones
well guys and gals, that's all ya get, like the great Houdini says, we gotta leaves ya wanting more. So..... Keep yo groceries bags with the umbrellas, Nikia out.

1 comment:

tommy said...

crunchy peanut butter is ok i think but you gotta have the jelly whether its crunchy or not