Monday, November 17, 2008

Slap a Jew day

Hey there hi there hello there humans and humanettes. Do you know a jew? Are you sick of the penny pinching pussy ass antics of the bar mitzvah breed? Than do i have the solution for you!!!! We'll title it simply as SLAP A JEW DAY! It will be the greatest of holidays. Instead of chocolates and sweaters, we'll give each other baby powder for the bitch slapping, and huge paddles with air holes for those real nasty mean ass jews with no soul. Yeah man, it'll be a glorious state of affairs when it all gets underway. The night before slap a jew day we'll have to leave plane tickets out so that those who hae not been just so goddamn jewish have a slight chance to flee, but if all goes according to my master plan then the only thing they can expect upon landing is more ass whoopins from all the other brothers from other mothers of different colors! Imagine a whole world handing out a swift kick to the ass to jews at all four corners of the globe! The possibilities are absolutely fuckin endless! Now to those of you who are jewish or half or whatever, dont worry, Im sure that you can hide out in a temple or just stay on a plane until the holiday season is over. Whatever you do just keep yo ass outta germany!

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