Friday, January 25, 2008
And the light shown through the darkness
Well, you cod pieces, it's ten long grueling harsh days of no blogging. But at long last the gunman is back in the game and will soon be participating in the blog once more. I myself have refrained being that the sole contributor would have made it more the nikia, and how could that be? Why without the ever endearing thoughts of my cohort the blog just lacks in cheekiness and fun. So to keep the flavor that you savor, i had to keep it light. But now all that's in the past, the gun man has restablished his claim in the working force, and will be blogging it up in the very NEAR future. Tonight, it's me and christel, and my roast beef sandwhich, not to mention that derick is m.o.d. I even got this AWESOME goody bag, another good email and most important of all no one here to kill my buzz. Work just might be fun today, i don't even feel the sweaty hot grip of the man trying to squeeze the life out of me and hold me down. That's it for now yous guys, be easy and be expecting the gun man, he will strike when you least expect it. He was trained by a group of ninjas EVIL blood thirsty ninjas, in the deepest, darkest corner of the island of okinawa. He was beaten with bamboo everday for 12 hours then forced to out run a herd of rabid starving dogs with a giant bag of dead rabbits strapped to his back. At night when he was sound asleep he would be attacked mercilessly by other rouge ninjas who couldn't handle his mad ninja skills, then he finally overcame and met the blog ninja, that's right, the blog ninja, once more forced to push himself over the limits of any regular human being's ability. So you fuckers, get ready, when he hits you up you won't even be ready for dat shit. Nikia jone$ out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Burning them up
It's time once again to prepare for the annoying antics of the derangel, but the good is that it will only be for a few more hours! How sweet it is. The gun man and i have a rendezvous with the ladies to go hear and read some poetry, this is something that i am actually against all the way around, but i figure if i want a real revue i may as well but my work out there. The ending of the night will be a steak smothered in mushrooms and onions, and getting tender with the lady. The weather is getting to be pretty nasty, but all together it makes for good bed sheet workouts. (; I got a alot to take care of on friday, it will all be a severe challenge all in itself. The main thing today is to just keep my head straight long enough to complete all of the following that i previously mentioned. Once i am outta here, i can at least hit chill mode and truly take a load off. I haven't ate today, so that sets my task even further into the difficulty of keeping myhead. (i'm an eating ass fool case you ain't know) I must say though, the job blows dogs for quarters since the recent abolishment of the gun man. I hope like fuck these idiots get theres for this outrage. It would be fitting if they fell off a bridge, or fell down in a public place and ripped there pants totally off. All alone is all we are, is what kurt cobain once said, and for the first time in a while, i feel that very saying has totally reflected the way it feels to be drugg through the ringer up here without a laugh, or a joke being pitched by one of us to enlighten the emotional/work load. He missed out on the 430 female teachers up here acting REDONKULOUS. This particular blog is especially dedicated to the gun man. He's out there doing his thing thugnificently like a true stunna should. You all need to get with the fucking reading now fo the sho, this blog is getting to be an endangered one, without the intellect of the gun man i may snap under the pressures of filling in the fuckin blanks. So you all will be envoking the wrath of the gun man and i yourselves with the non reading you indulge yourselves in daily. So get with the fuckin reading, the m-fing will begin apace if you still refuse. suckas!!!!!!!!!!
damit man,
need to get laid,
she's grinding my gears
Monday, January 14, 2008
Pepsi for the pain
Well, it looks like there will finally be a new entry today, they managed to remove tommy from the scene those communist bastards, and as always when it comes to the man and his holding one down, it was over money. I wasn't sipping anything nice to pour out for our misplaced homie, so i poured up some pepsi in his grand honor. You see, the the gun man is a very rare breed, true to the fullest, and the trillest of all niggas in this bitch. The very moment the fired him i wasn't present, but i was there when management was clocking him out for the very last time, the gun man even left a message that it was cool working with me. My bills never stop coming in the mail, and i didn't have a plan B, so i had to stick with it, I have quit jobs over the mistreatment of my fellow comrades. I have a few tricks up the old sleeve to get back at the mans attack though, believe that. What still gets me is the way that cock-block ass hole was RIGHT there to tell me about the whole thing, like he was gloating, and rubbing it in my grill, ready to tell me that i would be next or some shit. It's truly a sad state of affairs up here. Everyone stops by and asks about him and i have to tell them all the same old, same old. No one can believe it either, its' the biggest load of bullshit ever to them as well. I hope that the gun man can make itout unscathed though, he is bouncing back from the tyranny, already at another establishment doing his thing. So offer yo best to the nigga that they try tomake a fallen soldier. I hate them for it and hope they suck a dick with aids on the tip. Me? I gotta keep doing what i gotta do, for and you, and the gun man himself. In his famous wordz " be easy on the peasy"
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Juicy Juicy
Well, today has totally ate a dick, i got folks with unnecessary atitudes, as well as a person whom has turned on me that i thought was actually pretty cool. I got the lady back into the happy heart status, yesterday she was denied acceptance to ther college of choice, but they told her to reapply as a freshman and all would be well. I got and hour left up in this peice, can't hardly fuckin wait to roll out. The best thing coming is the sloppy joes at the crib that the lady said was well on her way to fixin up. I got nothing else to be happy about, maybe the fact that i'm still breathing but i mean fuck that, i wish i waswn't breathing here and now. The comfort of my bed seems all the more enticing. Sorry for the glumness sportsfans, it is what it is, really. Listen to blind melon if the chance presents itself. Short sweet and to the point for now, hold it down.
bed sheet wrestling,
bed wetting,
punkass m-f'ers
Mt first instumental
Today i laid a track, i didn't wake up until 12 for the "meeting" later to be mentioed and well called by the gunnam. But wjen i got home i found this download that just said "instumental" and when i listened to it it was this fat ass beat, it could'nt be avoided, i downloaded more and began to fill inmy own lyrics and synced the two together via the computer. So far my only critic is the loyal lady of my life, but i know she's being bluntly honest, she did say she liked it though. I want to cop some Warren G and try to lace one up with his old school G-funk, that would be off the chain, maybe even some of the DOC!!!! However, the lovely lady, later she fell apart on me, she walked in the door with 8 bags of groceries a few hours later because of some awful news, we'll get into that tommorow if the monkey doesn't escape before he flings the poo. I had to chill her out, and then the healing process could begin. It was a real hard moment for Team-V. Hopefully i have intstilled the right words of encouragement. Just out of curioustiy, i was wondering what happen to DMX? i thought about that earlier because of that beat to "where the hood at" and alot of the DMX tracks from back in the day. Dmx..... Good stuff. I like alot of 50 cent too though. There's alot of sad truths in his lyfics, not to mention those beats, it's revitalizing all in itself to listen to. Well, it's almost time to go squeeze gats ya'll, ride or die.
make money,
nipple chocolates,
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
New faces old spaces.
Well tonite is my first nite alone with the good old shenkster. It has been ok. Luckily rocksteady and bebop are here to cheer me up. also all or r kellys crew are here. i am officialy a cool guy now because they like me. also i hope to get a lot of guest request with positvei mentions of me. did everyone notice the new addition to the page. fluffy is a mean son of a bitch and also the destroyer of worlds. however i doubt he would be softer than sweet sweet otis. i cant wait ot leave today, we had to go to this stupid meeting about working hard and how we arent here for the money. fuck that i dont work for fuckin fun. i work for god damn money. they can kiss my ass. id like to see them stop paying peopel and see how many mother fuckers really want to work just to help people. once i exit this setting i am going home to the lovely lady, some cold beers, and my favorite relaxing moments. plus otis fuzzy and felix. i know all you readers and non readers alike understand much of that but if you hang in there i might let you in on the secrets down the road. well alrighty sports fans that one was short and sweet. be easy on the peasy.
Forked tounge ass headed shit sucking moron
I see so many people trying to copy others. But me, in all honestly, i likez to be the trillest most genuinely, ya know what i mean? I try to understand where most people are coming from and see there point of views the way they do. But there's a certain point where you have GOT to call a motherfucker on there bullshit. A certain someone tried me with some shit about being in Iraq, and serving time in prison(2 consecutive terms) which totals out to 14 years in a federal joint, and i got the closest of my brothers from other mothers over there RIGHT NOW, plus kin folk doing that hard time. But we weren't even close to the sandbox back then. So i said what needed to be said despite the fact that there was more than enough folks present for them to be sufficiently embarassed, no need in being quiet about it if you're not the only person who feels like "they have got to shut the fuck up with this lying ass shit" there are only so many ways to make me actually go the fuck off on you for random shit but that was rediculous. The place where i come from you get up at least two or three times a night to check on your crib (crackheads), in the morning you let your dogs out(incase you were asleep you keep them inside to keep others out). You'll see the street business as usual, and the usual suspects, you may even see a fight in the early morning if a head passes out in the wrong yard (mine was one of them) and gets caught. The cops never rode past the front of my house, all the people on my block knew eachother and the last thing you ever did was leave you house alone at night, or leave a window open. All this was the opening of conversation with the shit talker whom i have referred to earlier in my opening statement. The part where i called his bull, i simply told him if the boys that i hung out with in the "bottom" could hear this they would roll, he asks why and i simply said "bring what you say to g-ville and let them get u outisde and it would all be over but the crying." There's this saying we got there: I'm fo sho wid it, (i'm foe show wid it)-a little pronunciation, which bings me to the closing statements, if that dumbass went to any place where the real killas be, he wouldn't come back, they would've murked him on tha spot. (there's this thing about messing with chumps who come through the hood) I used to enjoy this, then i met this fool, and just before i called him out and was kicked out the place, i hit him in his mouth, and when he asked why, i referred to the above staement, called him a chump and waited for him to come outside...........................................
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Sometimes they need to be Upper Decked
On occasion, folks who are assholes need a good upper decking. Some people think there are many ways do to do this. they are wrong. there is only one way to do it and over the next few paragraphs in single paragraph form i will explain. Firstly you must decide who needs the decking(from here on in it will be refered to as decking because upper decking is long). In order to do this we must venture out into the world and interact with our fellow humans. Anyone who sucks or is an else probably deserves a decking. However one must always keep in mind the severity of the decking and only use it in extreme cases. if you do it to one peson more than three times they may go insane. BEWARE. VERY WARE. Next you must know where said person lives or if they own a business you can do it there too but then someone else will probably have to clean it up. Then you must find a way to get them to invite you into their home. Preferably for a meal or at least a long period of time, an hour and a half or more. Finally, while at your meal or event(whatever it may be) you excuse yourself from the gathering and head for the restroom. Once in their shitter room you head for the shitter. Take the top off the back of the toilet(NOT the toilet lid where you pee the top on the tank on the back). Then very carefully step onto the toilet lid, it should be closed(dont step in the water). Once on top of the lid turn around and bend so that your ass is hovering over the tank. Now do your business. Once finished get down and wipe so you can throw the shitty paper in the toilet to flush, or into the trash can so when they first go in the bathroom and look around they will think it was your shitty paper. Now everytime they flush it will stir up those terds and really stink up the place. Now for some tips ion effectiveness and thoroughness. Firstly what you eat makes your poop different so the more runny the more quickly it will drain out of their toilet tank and the logged up the longer they will have you nice scent wafting through their morning showers, and really every waking thought. For more logged poop eat lots of grains and meats. The more water and veggies the more greasy and liquidy it will be. SO be careful out there wile avenging people everywhere but remember to have fun.
chuck norris,
upper deck
Itz da home blog
We are live at the dining room of the nikia residence, holding it down and just waking up!!!! Gotta get me a newport and a bowl of pops, the greatest of cereal! Last night my dearies was the bomb diggity, brews, music, dancing, and a close call of the 5-O kind. I went to the old hood again and met a freind of mine that had the most awesome huka in this UNIVERSE! I got bone thugs n harmony blasting, and i think tonight i will make a bad ass roast, i got carrots, celery, red potatoes, and of course some usda approved boneless sear-ready slab of beef! I'm off til wednesday, and my wifey will be home soon enough, you should already know what that means! I hope to cross swords with my roomie as well, i perfected a few errors in my methods and hope to take him quickly when the moment is right. That also reminds me of the dream i was just having when i woke up. It was some crazy shit. In other news, i think i kick ass at racket ball, bnut no one can stay with it long enough to actually get a game going, go figure. But the killer in all of this: last night in the mix of all the craziness, i happened torun into someone that works at the same place that i do, and my ever watchful comrade has already told me that this lady is some what a bitch, one time we had to ride through the garage twice just to keep her from seeing that it was us trying to park my truck, which made us late the one day we ride together and the musselman, just so happen to be the m.o.d. when we got there. Let's see if that leads to anything. For now i gotta get to the toothbrush and breakfast, being off til wednesday gives me plenty of time to do what i gotta do with gusto. Ya'll keep it real.
big titties,
edible thongs,
that stanky buhdda
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Please dont hate in 2008
Well its the first time i have been back since the vacation. my comrade held it down well here on the site though. scrappys does get cooler with each new day. at least for those of us who have the decency to read. i also hope that those of you who do read had an excellent new year. i am just standing here like a white statue if whiteness. today i was told my accent is nice. usually i get told i dont have one. oh well another day another dollar. me and the ang tonite. she is off eating her lunch. finally peace has come. i am just watching the football and blogging in silence. damn it doesnt get much better than that. at least not here. this som bitch is awful. all we do is listen to complaints. occasionally we get to talk to good people but not often. well as for my playstation 3 no new news yet just old news. biggest and last college prediction is that lsu will beat the hell out of ohio state. it will be ugly. another thing i have been meaning to ask is who feels sorry for marquis. that is the angs husband. i mean i can see maybe opne reason to marry her and that would be the doing it but other than that. you have to listen to what she says. and she blows all sorts of money. i think we should all take a moment to realize that marquis took one for the team on that one and men everywhere are safe from one more dumb, yet pretty hot lady. well that it for me i am outta here in une heure. thats french for one hour for those of you who dont know.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A disgrace in there face
Well gals and pals, it's a sad lonely day at the salt mines, today they put the m.o.d. of all the mod's the one you could REALLY depend on when you were in a pickle, or a fight with a disgruntled guest, behind the desk with the rest of us. She totally didn't deserve that, i asked her about it and she said that it didn't bother her but that the pay cut was the worst part of it, she already works two jobs, ans now she saying that she will have to get something else. How fucked the fuck up is that? I think that it's a shit pile of bull shit. Ya know? This lady works ass for 10 years and now all of a sudden she's just "not doing her job" yeah fucking right! 10 years and just bam! you sucked at this the whole time?!?!?!? NO! It's more like "we don't care about the noble job you've been doing and we can care less if you're WAY over qualified and have all the keys to our money making hotel, or ten faithful years of service here with us." This lady has the grit of paul bunyan and the spine of a brontosaurus! How the fuck can these people just decide to do that?! I saw the guy they want to put in his place, he's got this "tick" i'll call it. He's supposedly worked at 2 other hotels, one being a hilton garden inn. Go figure, i'd like to throw these hippies to a pack of rabid lions so that they can feel the burn, and then just die. Fuckers! For now that's all i gotta say about that, and that my wifey made the most bad ass home made lasagne last night, good stuff. Peace out ya'll non reading ass pud pulling lush ass pussies!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Never copping bad juju
No complaints here today sportsfans! The derangel has just booked and it's me a pitcher of tea and nothing but the next 3 hours and 38 minutes to go. I hope all you non-reading fuckers had a good new years. In that light let me spread a little dialog about mine. My sister and brother in law came down from tifton, in our entourage there was also a freind of ours named kyle (who is gay) my next door neighbor and another neighbor named victor, a 42 year mexican guy that i am the very best of freinds with. We had resevations at corleone's but it fell through because it just wasn't "krunk" enough for kyle darcy and darlene. We went to another place where darcy realized she had no I.D. on her, then we found it and a whole heap of troubles!!!! Her i.d. was in my truck that i had parked behind the firestone building, this little click of white guys had parked in front of it and got there shit towed, when they saw us walk by to fetch the i.d. The leader of the numb-nutted fools says loud enough for all of us to hear " I guarantee you that no american took my ride, is was a goddamn mexican," now he didn't say it because of me, it was because of Balmori my brother in law, he clearly has all the characteristics of the latin persuasion. I on the other hand don't play that racial bullshit, i don't give a motherfuckin rip about any one's color religion or sex, so i immediatly retaliate along with my little sister by informing this raging pile of pus and hot air that his mother was a mexican, and that he would enjoy going down on the president of mexico's mexican dick! This lead to him removing his shirt and storming up to us in a blind rage, where of i pulled out my wakasashi, ( i keep it handy) i had originally planned to just get hands involved in this until the rest of the slim shady crew started to charge us as well, then Balmori did what he had to do and pulled his glock out and told them to hold on for a second, needless to say the cops soon came and the rest is history. But, not quite over, we then drive to the waffle house out on king george blvd. 2-3 hours later and who should walk through the door but the same little fuck ass crew of white boys minus the "girth" which would be the leader of them that i spoke of earlier. We exchanged glances and ate our food, then left, no one said anything until time to go and they preceded to ask us when and where to setlle our differences, i offered to just put them out of there misery which gave us the way out of the parking lot and onward to the patron and warren g. damn it feels good to be a gangsta!! Ya'll be excellent to eachother out there, and keep it real if you can do nothing else.
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