Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Im ticking for the Dethklok

Ok guys and gals, once again your co-pilot and all around friendly neighborhood mexiCAN gettin back at ya with some rhymes for the times. I have been watching dult swim for a while now and they got a show, not just any show, thats kicks ass and takes names some what like that of charles bronson. But there clever like ol Macguyver, and not too mention mean as a rattle snake like the chuck. The show is known simply as METALOCALYPSE. This show is not your average fart joke punch line type shit, oh no. This shit has mermaid murder. What is mermaid murder? Its one of there best songs! The show is about a band (dethklok) with the band members Nathan Explosion (lead vocals) William murderface murderface merderface (bass), Toki Wartooth (rythym guitar), Skwisgaar Skwigelf (lead guitar), and Pickles on the drums. Now back to the murmaid murder! The band decides to go underwater and record a death metal album that is "dedicated" to all underwater life of the sea, the fans love it and they are a rare breed of metalhead, these people risk there lives and health to see a live dethklok concert (something always happens and people get killed). Every thing from an atempt from the government, (oh yeah the man keeps tabs on them and tries different ways to kill them and infiltrate there super awesome house "mordore" ) There Dr. Roxo the cocaine sorting rock n roll clown straight outta the 80's and rehab. Well for now yall thats really all i have to report, im sickly and feelin like a pile of freshly hammered shit, so, yeah, laters. Keep your fridge shut!

1 comment:

tommy said...

hell yea metalocalypse is the shit. feel better hombre